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Cattle produce methane.  Environmentalists say we need to give up beef to reduce methane emissions.  We do not have to give up beef!  Algae is the answer.  The following video is the root cause of cattle emmissions.

Root Cause of Cattle Producing Methane

Reverse Combustion

The following video provides a more in depth explanation of reverse combustion.

Fail Safe

Al Gore has been warning us the earth is warming up. He said if the earth gets too warm it will be an environmental disaster. If the consequences are true, we need a fail-safe solution. Asking people to stop driving cars and eating meat is not a realistic solution. Even if a couple countries stop, others will continue to do it and possess an economic advantage. Developing countries will cause enormous amounts of pollution. There will be more and more of these countries in the future. Environmentalists only have the solution of cutting back on emissions. I am presenting this idea to show something else can be done.

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